Riding Equipment › St-eb Saddlecloths
Saddlecloth Natural and Colour
I have been
using these saddlecloths in my daily work for more than ten years
and love them for their fine quality and their form, which is so
suitable for a horse’s back. The caparison retains
its form even after use on very different horses and consequently
frequent washing. Moreover it does not easily wear off, both sides
being of velveteen whose fibres perfectly adjust to the movements
of horse and rider.
Saddlecloth Natural
This saddlecloth is
made of pure high quality velveteen and double quilted. It is particularly
abrasion resistant and does not easily lose its shape. It is shaped
to match the horse’s back and
is attached without straps.
Price: 179,00 €*
Saddlecloth Colour
This saddlecloth is manufactured in the same way as the
saddlecloth natural and additionally quilted with a coloured cotton
These are the colours: oxide red, pine tree green, dark blue,
black and white.
Price: 179,00 €*

you like to order a saddle or do you want to know more about
our products? Just send me an email: info@stefanie-staudinger.de
or give me a call: +49 (0) 175 / 59 22 099.
*prices valid from March 1st, 2015
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